Friday, August 31, 2007

Turquey a la Wok anyone???

I know, I know. Haven’t been writing all that much in my blog. Guess I need a camera to make things more exciting (sigh).
Anyways yesterday had fantastic dinner at my house, chill out mood, candles all over the place, international crowd, exotic wannabe Chinese/Indian dish, more Portuguese/bullshit in the making, and what can I say it was the perfect melange for a perfect night.
Good conversation, mostly dishing about Brussels and Belgium, or lack of it, with a comic relief brought by stupid accent imitations. Any one can guess who was the biggest accent impersonator? Anyone??
No brownie, no sleep afterwards at least felt like no sleep when I had to get up to go to work, and a great feeling that my friends in Euroland are a finding, my family in all the dark, drunk, cheerful and stupid moments. I know, I know, getting a bit emotional here.
Next dinner I promise I will have a camera to take pics.
And by the way I got a super-duper present!!! In fact I have been dreaming about that for a long time!!! A Mercedes? Prada shoes? A desert island? A boyfriend??? No it was an onion cutterJ. I loved it, loved it loveeeed it. No longer will my hands possess the fowl smell of onions after organizing dinners chez moi! So thank you xuxu Rosa and João!!! And thank you, Fili, Pedros from Azores, Namita, Rita and Testosterone man AKA Luís for coming. Love you all, sniff, sniff (feeling very mushy mushy today-must be almost that time of the month).
Ain´t life grand when you can feel the happiness through little things like not smelling bad!
On a more serious subject Time magazine cover of last week focus on the faith crisis experienced by mother Teresa during her life, even though she’s like the biggest nun in history!!! It seems she hid it well and only after her death these letters were she spoke about it are being published. It’s like, you know, like, major shock in the world. “I call, I cling, I want-and there is no One to answer […]there is such convicting emptiness that those very thoughts return like sharp knifes &hurt my very soul […]” Dayummmmmmm if Mother Teresa feels like this imagine the rest of us!!! In her letters she speaks of God as if almost he deserted her, asking why did he not love her back. I guess they didn’t have Oprah back then eih? He’s just not into you!!! Ok, God lightning coming upon me at any second now…
While I’m still alive would like to mention that currently very happy because Benfica, the biggest club in the world (literally) is in zzzze championzzz leaguezz. Yuhuuuu!
Did I mention that I ran/dragged myself 8,5kms last Wednesday??? At this rate I will be able to run to Lisbon every weekend instead of taking a plane. It would be cheaper. And maybe I would loose those 3 kgs that I’ve been aiming to loose for a while.
Tomorrow Izz gozz shopingue!!!! Oh joy of beginning of month…

Saturday, August 25, 2007


Yuhuuuuu its official, I’m starting my Italian lessons in September!! And more I managed to get into the 2nd level without ever making the first haha. I guess being Portuguese has to have an advantage somewhere…
What can I say I am good with languages, and also love to brag about it, as everyone close to me knows, and I so do love to that I went to the reception to sign up, was ecstatic after the test, felt the adrenalin pumping in my veins so much, that I decided to go for it. Take the risk. Feel the danger. As if the danger was alien’s breath on my face. Just risk everything.
I decided… to…. Talk to the receptionist… in… effing Dutch!!! I felt daring that day. Everything was going fine till the moment I didn’t understand a word, and then she started speaking to me in French, but I was like, come on, like I’m not gonna give up (this one is for you Bruno). So I kept talking to her in Dutch, she bended to my extraordinary will and gave up and kept it in Dutch. All was going fine till the moment I said “Ik will parkeren mein auto ook” (I want to park my car here too). All she had to say was “30 euros, please".
But no. She had to take a piss at me. She just started rambling really fast “ blablabla,3rd week of September, blablabla, not fast, slowly with the car, blablabla, ok?” and I go like “ok”. So now I have no parking bagde. Good.

In another topic this will be a football filled weekend and I can’t begin to express my joy that Fernando Santos was fired and that my idol Camacho is back. Now we can certainly fight for an Uefa Cup position.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


"Pictures of Warsaw in 1945 resemble pictures of Hiroshima. Only a quarter of the city was still standing. Ninety per cent of all the large buildings had been reduced to rubble- Of the 1.3 million people who live in Warsaw in 1940, only 378.000 were still there. Almost two thirds of the city's population was either dead or missing." In Europe by Geert Mak
A movie to watch for those who like to think Europe is a civilized continent, or even a peaceful one. Some of the biggest mankind atrocities were committed in Europe or by Europeans. This continent always finds a way to inflame all sorts of hatred and disputes over religion, land, and culture, whatever. So much pettiness over so little land. And for the people who think it is different now I can only think of one word: Sarajevo. And another one come to think of it: Putin.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Humans keep doing the same mistakes because:
a) They’re stupid.
b) They’re stupid.
c) They’re stupid.
*see answer in next post.
Sometimes I just fucking wonder am I the only one on the planet who actually has feelings? Maybe I am the only one with wrong feelings. I’d love too say I’ve learned after this 2 day shock but I am human, and therefore stupid, and worst, half-fake blonde prone to masochist feelings so who knows? Anyway disappointments of the heart always give good Bridget Jones memoires!

Saturday 18 August

48 kgs. (but post-period), alcohol units 0.1 (I’m being a good girl), cigarettes 0 but in my mind 60 a day, calories 25424, male rejections 2 (uau in 24 hours even for me this is a very good mark), sips of diet coke 3 (just to remember the taste uhmmmmmmmm)

Food consumed today:
2 Gouda cheese slices
1 piece of Pierre Marcollini black Caribbean chocolate
1 chocolate cookie package (ups…)
1/10 Kriek
1 package of chips (ups…)
3 sips of diet coke

7PM. Brussels: my flat.
Ugh. The last thing on earth I feel like doing is going to run in Parc Cinquentenaire in about half an hour, but it’s a sacrifice I must do for art. The art of good thighs and ass to be more precise! Anyway what do they say on these Nike ads? No pain no gain? Or is it no sweat no gain? Anyway that’s bullshit because they’re always saying their tops are anti-sweat what is a contradiction in itself. In fact the best thing about running is that you appreciate being still a lot more. And anyway to quote whomever “the only reason I took up jogging is so I can hear heavy breathing again”. God. Sometimes I swear I just gain weight by breathing. And not the heavy type…
Anyway I have a strategy, I just tumble if I see a cute guy. Later on I’ll say if works.