Friday, November 23, 2007


... heartache... :(.


NoKas said...

According to Wikipedia, heartache =

* The emotional state of heartache, Love sickness
* "heart ache", the first EP released by jesu (band)
* "It's a Heartache", a song and album by Bonnie Tyler
* "Heartache (album)", an album featuring Erykah Badu
* A short story by Anton Chekhov
* "Swing the heartache" song by Bauhaus (band)


As I don't think you're talking about a Bonnie Tyler song... let's investigate what is love sickness....

"Love sickness has historically been viewed as a mental illness brought on by the intense changes associated with falling in love."

mmmm good start, thanks wikipedia!

"Some of the symptom clusters shared with love sickness include:

* mania – abnormally elevated mood, inflated self esteem, extravagant gift giving
* depression – tearfulness, insomnia, loss of concentration
* OCD – preoccupation, checking (e.g. text messages/emails, etc.), and hoarding valueless but superstitiously resonant items
* psychologically created physical symptoms, such as upset stomach, change in appetite, insomnia, dizziness, and confusion."


"More substantively, the estimated serotonin levels of people falling in love were observed to drop to levels found in patients with OCD (Marazitti et al., 1999). Further, in brain scan investigations, individuals who professed to be ‘truly, deeply and madly’ in love showed activity in several structures in common with in the neuroanatomy of OCD, for example the anterior cingulate cortex and caudate nucleus"

Should I start worrying about you????

Luna said...


kisses for your heart***

Luis Monteiro said...

Já actualizavas isto não era xuxuzinha!?!??!
bjoocas gds!


Manca said...

Ineeeees! Don't worry too much! Love is just around the corner and it will hit you when you least expect it!


Luna said...

tanto tempo com um post tao tao negativo... mudaaaaaa! faz maissss!

NoKas said...

Agora já podes mudar!

NoKas said...


e haverá continuação? Novas histórias? Novo formato?

Andre said...

утефщ шыещ зфкщг,,

Entao isto parou???;)

NoKas said...

Como as coisas mudam! E mais depressa do que pensariamos! :D